Doctors and nurses along with many others will put on a show at the Humboldt County Courthouse to educate people about the need for health care reform in the U.S.
The rally is set for Friday 5-29-09 that's tomorrow, today or in the past, depending on when you discovered this post.
Single Payer Health Care is the main subject of the rally and the public is invited to join in and participate.
H.R. 676 is the House Resolution that advocates for a single payer health system similar to Medicaid, that would cover all taxpayers and more.
We are already paying for the non insured, and we might as well include them as a part of the pool. business would be more competitive if the cost of their employee health care were not on their backs.
Rally tomorrow at 5;pm Friday 5-29-09
Be there,or enjoy for profit executives deciding which health care procedures they should provide to you based on their bottom line.