There's not much time left to get involved in the General Plan that will guide growth in Humboldt County for the next 20 years. Plans include doubling the size of Eureka with new houses near Cutten in the McKay tract, currently Green Diamond property, and an additional 4 to 8-hundred housing units on Humboldt Hill.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2009 Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Draft Housing Element
at the following Planning Commission meetings @ 6:00pm Humboldt County Courthouse
February 26th
March 19th & 26th
Public Comment will be accepted until March 31, 2009
Email your comments/concerns to:
Copies of the DEIR are available on the internet at
General Plan Update can be viewed at:
For more info on meetings, public comment and how to get involved to stop urban sprawl see link below.