Friday, October 17, 2008

Peter B. Collins Ponders Moving On

Peter B. Collins heard weekdays on KGOE 1480 am here in Eureka and on other stations around the west is considering calling it quits. He is seeking help to keep the show on the air. Peter B. provides the show to radio stations for free. Peter B. gets paid by the ads that come within his show. Although we at kgoe have done well in selling ads for our part of the show here in Humboldt Co., Peter B. has had a harder time getting regional advertisers to insert into his show before it comes down the satellite. Peter B. pays for his own satellite time, producer and equipment.

If things don't change, his last show will be November 14th.

Anyone that wants to help can send advertisers or money to: and click on you can help, or send help to

Peter B. Collins
P.O. Box 100
Mill Valley Ca. 94942


Unknown said...

Tom, I have sent him a little but what does he need to stay on? Is there going to be more conversation about this in the future so more options can be discussed.

Tom Sebourn said...

Peter B., said he had a couple of possibilities to explore. We are in a wait and see mode.